There is an application called Aperture Inspector that allows you to obtain a variety of information about your equipment use for the pictures in an Aperture Library. When you open it, you link it to an Aperture library. You can set a specific date range. It tells you what camera bodies you used, what lenses you used, if they are zoom lenses, what focal lengths were used, what apertures were used, what shutter speeds were used, and what iso settings were used. There is also information about filters.
Hurricane Sandy has hit the east coast. Last week, I sent my Tamron 70 – 200 f/2.8 lens in for repair. I sent it to Commack, New York. Commack, New York is on Long Island. I really hope that I will eventually get my lens back.
Second Shooter
I was not paid as the second shooter on the wedding, and that was what I wanted. This way, I am able to use my own images.
I recently read something that made me really think about that. Sal Cincotta has an on line magazine called “Behind the Shutter.” In it, his wife has an article about second shooters. She says they always pay their second shooter. They learned a hard lesson about that early when they had a second shooter who was not paid. That person shot over their shoulder. Thus, they go the same image as the principal photographer. They then used the image on their own web site, claiming credit for it. So, now, they pay their second shooters and the second shooter uses their memory cards and must surrender them at the end of the shoot. They are not allowed any use of the images at all.
In some respects, I think that is as immoral as what the second shooter did. I understand that the principal photographer is the one with the job, and has the right to sell and market the images. That’s fine. However, for that person to take credit for producing the image isn’t right. If I shot as a second shooter, and made a really great image, I would not have a problem with not selling the image to the client, but I would have a problem with never being able to use or display that image as mine. And, I would have a great deal of problems with someone else taking credit for the creation of that image. They are no more entitled to that credit than the second shooter who shot over their shoulder.
I did not have time last night to post, and I have spent all day processing files.
I was second shooter yesterday at a wedding. The primary was Cindy Graf. We also had two more shooters – Craig, Cindy’s husband and her friend Corey. We started at 3:00. I shot some details for a while and then went to the groom’s room. The groom was Keith Meyers. When I got to his room, they were already dressed. I got some standard shots – groom looking out the window, groom and groomsmen, groom opening gift from the bride. We then met in the lobby for shots of the groom and the preacher and then the groom and his parents.
I then went back to the convention center for shots before the ceremony. The ceremony started at 5:30. I shot from the back, but with my (old) 70 – 200, I got some great shots during the ceremony. After the ceremony, I shot guests in the foyer while Cindy and Corey shot the formal portraits. This was while the chairs were taken down and the band set up.
For the rest of the evening, we shot the dinner and reception.
Debbie even came along. Originally, she was supposed to be my “assistant.” I was going to have her hold a light. That just didn’t seem practical. So, she helped out with the wedding coordinator and helped organize the flow of the formal portraits with Cindy and Corey.
All together, I got 588 pictures. The place was very dark, and I was too anxious many times. So, my flash didn’t fire, and the autofocus was problematic at times. I ended up processing about 150 files. Can’t post them for a week or so.
Lens Repair
I got an email from Tamron. They want $225 to repair my lens. They will disassemble it, clean it, repair and damage, put it all back together and calibrate it. I wish it were cheaper, but I don’t have any other choice. A new lens would be almost four times that much. They promised a turnaround of three business days. Let’s hope that comes before Sandy hits the east coast. I have visions of my lens sitting in a destroyed building.
Wedding on Saturday
I’m getting excited. I’m shooting a wedding with Cindy Graf on Saturday. It is the Convention Center. So, lots of glass and reflections. We will be meeting Friday afternoon to try some things out and get a lay of the land.
Camera Bracket
Cindy emailed me today and asked if I had and use a camera bracket. She has asked me to shoot a wedding with her on Saturday and someone told her she needed to use a bracket. I told her I do have one, an Alzo Flip-Flash Bracket ( I have never used it, but I will probably give it a try on Saturday. My problem, though is I do not have a synch cord. So, I got on to Amazon and ordered two of them. They should arrive by Thursday, in time for the wedding.
Lens Problem
While shooting in Atlantic City, I had problems with my 70 – 200 mm f/2.8 lens. It would not focus at distance when at the shorter focal lengths. Additionally, I had noted that the focus was not spectacularly sharp when the lens was wide open.
So, I am sending it to Tamron for service. I have never sent a lens in for servicing before. So, I do not know what to expect. I sent it via UPS today and they say Tamron should get it on Thursday. Tamron claims a three day turn around for repairs. So, I hope I will have it by next weekend for the Lone Star Rally.
I watched a wedding photography seminar this weekend. She shoots using four lenses – 3 primes and 1 zoom. The zoom is a 70 – 200 f/2.8. The primes are a 24 f/1.4, a 50 f/1.2, and an 85 f/1.4. She shoots everything available light, only using flashes rarely to fill. Thus the need for such fast lenses.
Trip to Atlantic City
I just returned from a trip to Atlantic City for a meeting. I was supposed to fly out of Waco, but the flight was cancelled due to fog in Dallas. So, I had to drive to Dallas to get the plane to Philadelphia.
Atlantic City does not have good air service. So, from the Philadelphia airport I had to take a commuter train to the downtown AMTRAK station, and from there take an AMTRAK train to Atlantic City. In the 30th St Station, there is a memorial to workers who died building the railroad.
The train took about an hour and a half to get to Atlantic City. So, I got there rather late in the evening. I stayed in the Trump Taj Mahal. Thursday morning, I went out for a walk. About a block away was this building. Pigeons were roosting along the fire escape and on the roof. At one point, one of the tenants opened a window and threw some food out. Pigeons from all over flocked to the ground to fight over the food.
Later, I took a walk on the boardwalk. Looking up from the boardwalk at the Taj Mahal, I took this picture.