First Reply

Wow! I checked my email this morning. Someone posted on my site! I couldn’t believe it. I told Debbie. I knew this was the beginning. It was, no doubt, someone wanting a photographer.

I called up the post. It began by complimenting my site and my posts. Then it started talking about the writer’s own site. It seemed the writer has written and is selling a guidebook for some on-line fantasy game. Sorry dude. You just became my first rejected spam post.

Product Photography

I spent yesterday doing some commercial photography.  I wanted to increase the number of such images in the gallery and took several pictures of various items.  The idea is that, with the popularity of eBay, there is a greater need for simple product pictures.


Almost there

I have spent almost the entire day getting everything up and ready.  My goal was for this to be done by October 1, and I think I will make it.  I have to add some Commercial/Product images and find a featured image for that page, and that will be it.

Today has not been without problems.  The site crashed twice while I was moving images from one gallery to another.  So, rather than moving images, I just uploaded them again.

Up and running (sort of)

Yesterday, when I said this was open for business, it isn’t really open for business. What I meant is that the site is up and running. I worked a little today and produced new “feature images” for the Children, Families, and Weddings galleries. I also added more pics to the Seniors/Adults gallery.

My goal is to get everything up and ready to start “phase two” on October 1.

RED Imagery

I am offering a variety of professional photography. I am experienced in child, couple, family, group, high school senior, wedding, event, commercial, and product photography.

Click on the Contact link above,or leave a message below for rate information.