Cindy finished her editing of the over 5000 pictures we took at the wedding three weeks ago, and the bride and groom have seen them. So, now I can post some of mine.

This was a pretty standard shot of the groom anticipating the day’s events. My assignment was to get the groom pics. The groom and his groomsmen were in a room in the Hilton hotel. Unfortunately, by the time I got there, he was already dressed. So, I only got a couple pics of him dressing. There was pretty good light from this window. So, I closed the drapes to restrain it and good this shot.
I took some more of the groom, his parents, and the groomsmen around the Hilton. One of the shots they wanted was of the groom’s party coming from the Hilton to the Convention Center. There is an open walkway, but the light was terrible. The walkway is covered and kind of dark, but the surrounding area was very light. With bright sunlight, there was really contrasty light that made a good exposure difficult. Much of this shot was saved in processing. The background was blown out in order to get good exposure of the faces.

While we were doing this, the groom commented that it was kind of a “rat pack” thing – a bunch of guys in tuxedos. Someone else commented that it was kind of an “Ocean’s 11” thing. I had a little different slant. I told them it looked more like a “Reservoir Dogs” to me. To each his own, I guess.
I posted the rest of the preparation pics in the Wedding Gallery and will post more tomorrow.