A few days ago, there was a dandelion in the front yard. I wanted to get a picture of it, but I saw it early in the morning, and by the time I got home from work, all the seeds had blown away. This morning, I was pulling leaves out of the pool, and I saw this dandelion along side the pool. I don’t use my Konica/Minolta 7D much any more, but I kind of do use it for macro photography. So, I put the Tamron 90mm macro on it and set up the tripod.
The first shots were pretty good, but I wanted more. So, I got the small LED light and used it to produce a little more light.

That produced a nice effect, reflecting off the filaments of the seeds. I then got my flash, and used it kind of hand held with radio triggers.

There was more depth of field because I had to stop the lens way down to get the correct exposure, but, again, the effect was pleasing. By holding the flash low, I put much less light on the surroundings, and got a really interesting effect.

Now, the background was essentially unexposed. But now you can see something else that I didn’t even notice. There were small bugs crawling on the stem. Finally, I wanted to add a little more. So, using a spray bottle, I created a little “Dew.”