I mentioned before that the wedding photography seminar we watched featured a photographer who used three prime and one zoom lens. The three primes were a 24 mm f/1.4, a 50 mm f/1.2, and an 84 mm f/1.4. Everything she shot was with available light. Well, now I appreciate why she used such fast glass.
I used Aperture Inspector to look at the aperture and iso I used for the wedding last Saturday. 91%of the pictures were take with apertures less than f/5. 40% were taken at iso 400, 27% at iso 800 and 6% were taken at iso 1600. 86% of the pictures were taken at shutter speeds faster than 1/60 second.
Faster glass would mean wider apertures, lower iso values and faster shutter speeds.
I found a Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 on eBay. It is manual focus and manual aperture. So, it will take some experimenting.