HOTPPG Shoot Out 2016 Famillies

We had two families.  They first was this couple and their daughter.  This was really hard as the little girl was not really into the experience.

Christa Aaron and Noraa

My second station was with a teenage girl.  As we were finishing with her, her mother came up and wanted a picture of the two of them.

Courtney and Cindy

The second family was my last station.  It was getting dark, and the little girl was obviously done for the night.  As I was setting up the light and getting my exposure, I clicked this one and it turned out to be quite good.

Benjamin and Baby

I did get one of the whole family after that.

Stevens Family

HOTPPG “Child”

The “child” model for the HOTPPG Shoot Out was Rachel. She was an 11 year old girl.  I asked her what she wanted to do and she said “Get in the water.”  The look on her mother’s face was of concern.  So, I told her she get in as long as she didn’t get her dress wet.


The sun was going down quickly, and she was not really all that interested in posing any more, but I got a couple nice shots of her.



I just came back upon Don Giannatti’s “Project 52” web site.  I had seen the site several months ago, but it slipped from my memory.  I have been a member of the flickr group for a long time, but, I can’t remember the last time I actually visited the group page.  On this site, there is a weekly photography assignment. The assignments for this year start on February 1.  So, I looked at the 2012 assignments.

The first assignment is to create a Vision Statement.  This is basically a statement describing why it is that I take pictures.  As described on the web site, “Tell us with a single paragraph what you want to be able to do with your images. Tell us what you do without telling us you are a photographer. Accompany that message with a single image taken around your home.”

To me, the reason I enjoy photography is it differs from other modes of expression, and there is something that is transcendently stimulating when I see a really great image I have taken. In 2012, my Aperture Library has over 7700 images.  Every once in a while, as the image would come up on the screen, there was a moment of awe.  Kind of, “Oh boy.  That is good!”

It is becoming easier to take technically perfect images – those with proper exposure, composition, lighting, whatever.  I can look at those and think, “That’s a good image.”  But there is the added, intangible element that is included in an image that is really great.  I take photographs because I enjoy that feeling of producing a picture that is really great.

Now, what kind of image around the house can I make that illustrates that?


SONY DSCMy sister and Brother in Law brought my Mother to Frisco to have Christmas with my Nephew and his wife and their 18 month old daughter – Lily.  We went to visit them on Sunday, and I took my camera. This was a quick snap inside.


My sister took Lily outside and started up a bubble maker.  Lily got really animated, chasing the bubbles all over the yard.  This is one of her trying to figure out the bubbles.

SONY DSCAfter the bubbles, Lily played with her ball, and I got this quick one of her.