Coming Home From Snook – Hwy 36 Cabin

I was feeling great after my friend’s funeral because I got some new images I really liked, but as I was driving home, I started seeing other things that I really liked.

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This was on Hwy 36, and the framing was so perfect, I had to take advantage of it. Then, I used a longer lens to isolate the old car.

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A Trip to Snook

A close friend who lived in Snook died.  I drove over there to attend the funeral.  It was in a small country church outside of town, but to find the church I had to start in town.  When I got to the center of Snook, I was glad I threw my cameras in the car. There were buildings there that I new I had to take pictures of.  So, after the funeral and reception, I went back into town and got these pictures.

Snook Trip  001

This was an old barn in the center town. Snook obviously had a strong Czech heritage, and it was apparent in the sign on this barn.

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This was the old grocery an market in downtown. Then, on the way out of town, I saw this old farm.

Snook Trip  003

Repetitive Patterns Competition

The April Challenge Competition for the Heat of Texas Professional Photographers Guild was “Repetitive Patterns.” Our train for New Orleans was late getting into Houston.  The last time we went, I noticed the platform and how the supports lined up.  I am not sure how many different pictures I took of them, but it was a lot. I finally decided one of them was worth more time.  This began as an HDR image.  After processing, the colors were rather bright, as much of the support was painted AMTRAK blue.  So, once I had the composition I wanted, I decided to convert it to Black and White. This image took first place in the competition.

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Waco Landmarks – The Water Works 2

In the previous post, I displayed two pictures of the rear of the Water Works.  These are from the front.

Water Works

I was taken by the combination of cement work and wood at the entrance.

Water Works Front

Waco Landmarks – the Water Works 1

When we moved to Waco, The Water Works was a really cool restaurant. Originally, as the name might imply, the building housed pumps and machinery to provide water to central Waco.  The restaurant was good but did not last very long.  It closed and reopened several times, but it has not been functional in many years.  These are pics of things in the back of the building.

Water Works Rear 1

Water Works Rear 2

Waco Landmarks – Kim’s

Kim’s is another landmark that I could never get good pictures of because of cars.  For a while, it was run down, and the pics would have been cool, but there were always cars blocking it.  Then they closed it, and started to tear it down before I could get pics.  Now it is restored and looking like new.


Waco Landmarks – George’s

Another place I have had trouble photographing is George’s.  It seems every time I go there, the parking lot is full. Also, many angles are impacted by power lines.  So, Christmas Day was the time to try and finally get a usable picture.


Waco Landmarks – The Elite Cafe

Next to The Health Camp is The Elite Cafe – about as iconic as Waco gets. Again, here are two versions of one image and another one.

Elite Cafe 1

And the impressionist version.

Elite Cafe 1 Impression

Elite Cafe 2


Waco Landmarks – Health Camp

There are some Waco Landmarks that I wanted to get pictures of, but I have always had problems because of cars parked in front and around them.  Christmas Day was the perfect time to deal with that because there would be no cars to block my shots.  The first of those places was The Health Camp.  Here are to versions of it.

Health Camp

And an impressionist version.

Health Camp Impression

St. Charles Trolley Car

I said one of my goals was to get a good picture of a New Orleans Trolley Car.  Here it is.

St. Charles Trolley

I am really happy with the way it came out.  While on the train coming home, I was watching a video and there was a small commercial for Topaz Impressions software plugin. It transforms images to make them look like impressionist paintings.  It turns out there are two similar packages, and I downloaded both and played with them. Here is what I got.

2014-12-08 at 19-04-53

It creates an interesting image, but it is almost insulting to real impressionist artists. To actually create impressionist art takes a great deal of skill and work. So, I am somewhat torn about this/