
There is a “festival” in Galveston to celebrate the spring bird migration.  A friend of Debbie’s from Wisconsin is into birds, and she and her husband came to Galveston for the weekend to attend the festival. On Saturday, we drove all over the island looking for birds.  We went to one spot, and didn’t really find much, but I saw this rather cool cats that was in the process of setting buds of a blossom.

Cactus Buds

We did find birds in the place where I go to look for Sandhill Cranes.  One of the things I have always wanted was a good picture of a bird flying.  I finally got one.  This is a white Ibis that had just taken off.

White Ibis

Cruise – La Romana Dominican Republic and Altos de Chavon

The second stop on our cruise was La Romana on the southern side of the Dominican Republic.  The tour we took there went to Altos de Chavon, an village/compound of artists. Altos de Chavon Amphitheater

This was an amphitheater.  We were told that there were regular performances here. There were lots of flowering trees and plants, and there were more butterflies that I an have ever seen before.  This is a Gulf Fritillary.

Gulf fritillary butterfly

The buildings were all stone and adobe.  I was struck by the contrast of materials – wood, stone, adobe, metal – and textures and lines in this wall.

Altos de Chavon



While in Galveston for Mardi Gras, I took a morning out to look for Sandhill Cranes. I drove out West of town to my usual spots and got this pic of one.

Birds  002.jpg

I also got a Nice pic of this Yellow Crowned Hight Heron.

Birds  001.jpg

Chisholm Dreams

The Heart of Texas Professional Photographers Guild holds monthly image competitions. The members submit any image they choose in either the Professional or Associate Category.  There is also a monthly “Challenge” competition where members create an image with a specified theme or technique.  In February, the theme was a “Domestic Animal.” I decided to try an do something with cattle in a field.

I took an afternoon and drove out Highway 6.  My plan was to photograph some cattle and try and get something interesting.  I came upon a field in which a rather substantial steer  was standing on the rim of a tank. I started taking pictures of it.  As things progressed I started thinking more and more about the idea of isolating that one steer in the frame.  I decided converting it to Black and White would add a little more emphasis to it, but that left a rather large area of sky to the left. I decided I could reduce that by cropping the scene into more of a panorama. That helped somewhat, but that sky was still too distracting.  So, as I considered it, I began to think about cattle and the old Chisholm Trail and the Waco suspension bridge. That made me decide to add an image of the cowboy statue at the suspension bridge.  So, the final image is

Chisholm Majesty

Cameron Park Zoo

I had a little spare time on Friday.  So, I ran over to the zoo.  I knew I did not have enough time to do the entire zoo, so I went to the Asia and Africa areas. The female orangutan gave birth not too long ago, and she and her baby were out.

2014-10-10 at 14-50-48

In the Africa exhibit, the flamingoes were all next to the water, and that made a nice reflection shot.

2014-10-10 at 14-59-47

Finally, right next tot he Flamingoes, there was a flock of Black Vultures in a tree.

2014-10-10 at 15-00-21


For October, the Heart of Texas Professional Photographer’s Guild’s image competition subject was a black and white photograph of something in nature.  One morning while getting the newspaper, I saw there was a spider web on the front porch.  I thought maybe I could get a good macro image of it and convert that to black and white.  I tried a couple times during the day, but was never really happy with it. So, I decided to try at night.  When I went out to try, the spider was there. It was a pretty large orb-weaving spider and I started taking pictures of it.  I took several with my 90mm macro lens, but they weren’t what I was hoping for.  So, I used my 180mm macro lens and got some that were much better.  This was one of those.


I tried converting it to black and white, but I was never really happy with it. I entered another image instead and it didn’t do as well as I had hoped.  So, I wondered if I would have been better off with this one.


I mentioned in a previous post that on the way home from Galveston, I noticed that the goldenrods were blooming, and, since I have never gotten any pictures of them, I decided to run down highway 6 and get some pictures.


Of course, there were a variety of insects associated with the blossoms, like bees.


and a Beetle.



Shooting in the yard

It’s been kind of gloomy the last couple days.  I have found a couple things to shoot around the house.  This grasshopper was  on one of the hibiscus.


This morning when I took the trash out, I saw a couple Wild Petunias next to the trash cans.


Tamron 180 mm Macro Lens

For a very long time, I have been wanting a longer focal length true macro lens.  I finally ordered a Tamron 180mm 1:1 macro.  I was somewhat concerned because a friend said he had a similar lens and rarely used it because the long focal length meant too much movement to handhold it.  I did some shots holding it by hand, and it worked fine.


Although not super close, this one is certainly sharp for a hand held photo.  I noticed a ladybug on what was left of my dill plant and took some shots of it.  When looking at them, I could see the reason it was there – aphids.