Mailbox Rose

A week ago, while mowing the lawn, I noticed a peony blooming.  I thought it would make a nice picture.  So, the next day, I took my camera out and started taking pictures. While I was doing that, the mailman came.  So, after I thought I had enough images, I took my camera up to the porch and walked out to the mailbox.  Sometimes, things just are aligned in a unique way.  Debbie has a rose bush next to the mailbox and some of the roses were blooming.  It just so happened that the sun coming through the leaves of the trees created a kind of spotlight on one of the roses.

Rose 2

I took a few more than did an HDR bracket. I had watched a video on using some additional software to create a detailed look in the petals.  So, I played around with that and came up with this one.



There is a “festival” in Galveston to celebrate the spring bird migration.  A friend of Debbie’s from Wisconsin is into birds, and she and her husband came to Galveston for the weekend to attend the festival. On Saturday, we drove all over the island looking for birds.  We went to one spot, and didn’t really find much, but I saw this rather cool cats that was in the process of setting buds of a blossom.

Cactus Buds

We did find birds in the place where I go to look for Sandhill Cranes.  One of the things I have always wanted was a good picture of a bird flying.  I finally got one.  This is a white Ibis that had just taken off.

White Ibis


The TMCA had its annual meeting in Kerrville this week. We stayed at the YO Ranch, and, as always there was a little time for photography.  There is an old wagon in front of the hotel.

Kerrville  001

The lobby of the hotel is quite impressive with lots of trophies and western items.

Kerrville  002

In back of the meeting rooms, there was a small flower bed with flowers that were reaching the end of their lives, but they still made for good subjects.

Kerrville  004


A Rose By Any Other Name

2015-08-07 at 08-45-07The August Guild Image Competition included a “Challenge” Competition.  The Challenge was a Black and White natural light photograph.  One day last week when I went to get the mail, I noticed cobwebs forming on the remnants of the roses by the mailbox.  So, I used those as my subject. I took a series of images, that were pretty good, but when I sent one to Pounds to have it printed, it came back and the focus was not sharp enough. I still had time. So, I took some more images and found one with really sharp focus.  I quickly sent it to Pounds.  That was last Friday.  They did not process it until Monday and shipped it for Tuesday.  The competition was Tuesday evening.  So, things were tight.  At about 5:45, it had not come yet.  So, I decided to go without it.  I got down to Franklin and New Road, and Debbie called that it had just been delivered.  So, I raced back home to get it.  The competition was supposed to start at 6:30.  So, I had a little time.  I drove down to Coach’s and got there in plenty of time.  They set up the prints, and all went well. That is, until the prints were revealed.  I was amazed at the extraordinary quality of the prints for this competition.  Let’s face it, the prints are always strong, but these images were beyond that.  Turns out, I didn’t place. But, I am not disappointed  The images that won were really better than mine.

Cruise – La Romana Dominican Republic and Altos de Chavon

The second stop on our cruise was La Romana on the southern side of the Dominican Republic.  The tour we took there went to Altos de Chavon, an village/compound of artists. Altos de Chavon Amphitheater

This was an amphitheater.  We were told that there were regular performances here. There were lots of flowering trees and plants, and there were more butterflies that I an have ever seen before.  This is a Gulf Fritillary.

Gulf fritillary butterfly

The buildings were all stone and adobe.  I was struck by the contrast of materials – wood, stone, adobe, metal – and textures and lines in this wall.

Altos de Chavon



Friday, Debbie drove her mother up to Iowa.  When she got there, she texted me that there was a field of sunflowers on I35 in Itasca that were amazing.  So, Saturday morning I drove up there.  There were actually several fields on both sides of the highway.

Itasca Sunflowers


April is the month for wildflowers in Texas.  Bluebonnets and Indian Paintbrush are blooming at the same time.  On the way home a couple nights ago, we drove on Santa Fe and Whitehall Park was amazing.

Whitehall Park

Whitehall Park

Whitehall Park

Oak Leaf

While looking out the window, I noticed how the sun was shining on an oak leaf and thought it might make an interesting picture.

SONY DSCI used an 85mm f/1.4 lens to control depth of field so I could throw everything but the leaf out of focus.




I mentioned in a previous post that on the way home from Galveston, I noticed that the goldenrods were blooming, and, since I have never gotten any pictures of them, I decided to run down highway 6 and get some pictures.


Of course, there were a variety of insects associated with the blossoms, like bees.


and a Beetle.